Sparkle Spotlight: Strawberry

 💜Sparkle Spotlight:Strawberry💜             drawing

    I drew this when I was just messing around with my prismacolor pencils. I have been trying to get  better at using colored pencils and this drawing was kind of practice for a new technique that I've never tried before. Disclaimer: this is just a way I was taught to do this, you can use your own way I'm just sharing my art. Anyway, basically to draw this I got a reference picture of a strawberry and drew the basic outline of a strawberry. It was surprisingly hard to draw a not cartoony strawberry. Then I took my red pencil and pressed really hard around every where except the seed parts. Then I took the lightest brown I had and layered that on top of the red for the darker parts. It depends what reference photo you are using, I cant tell you exactally where to put it. Then I made all the highlights with a white colored pencil. I blended the white into the rest of the strawberry by lightly outlining the white. Then I worked on the seeds. First, put yellow on all the seeds. Next, find the shadows on the seeds and color it with a light brown. The stem was a little hard for me to figure out. It took a little trail and error but I got there. First I colored my leaves in with the lightest green I had. Then I looked at my reference and found where all my highlights and shadows were and colored them accordingly. You can add a shadow underneath the strawberry, you don't need that though. And there you have it! A sorta realistic strawberry! 


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