Easy to make paper garland
💜Easy to make paper garland💜
Step 1:
Garlands are a fun and easy way to decorate your room or work space.
- paper (I recommend using cardstock or scrapbook paper)
- a glue stick or dobule sided tape
- a shape cutter or scissors
- string
Step 1:
Cut out your paper into shapes. Make sure to make them the same size.
Step 2:
Fold your shapes in half.
Step 3:
Glue or tape 2 of the shapes together.
Step 4:
Cut your piece of string to your desired length.
Step 5:
Take another 2 shapes and glue or tape them together.
Step 6:
Take 1 of the pieces you glued together and put the string down the center.
Step 7:
Take the other pair of shapes you glued together and glue or tape it on to the other shapes.
Step 8:
Repeat steps 2,3,5,6,and 7 until you have filled the string up.
Step 9:
Hang your garland up.
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