DIY Scratch Art

                                     💜DIY Scratch Art💜

Scratch art can be used to decorate any sketch book or birthday card. It is also surprisingly therapeutic to see the top layer come off. So lets get crafting!

  • Multicolored water color,acrylic paint,markers,colored pencils, crayons, basically anything you can use to color with
  • Black acrylic paint
  • Water color paper
  • clear packing tape
  • scissors
  • some thing to scratch the scratch art with( I use a dotting tool or a toothpick)
  • paint brush
Step 1:
First take your paper and cover it with your coloring materials. This does not need to be any specific pattern. If you are using paint or watercolor pencils or anything involving water, wait for it to dry before moving on to the next step.

Step 2:
 Cut off some packing tape. Then cover your paper with it. Make sure it is flat on to the paper. If the tape is not flat onto the paper the scratch art can not work.

Step 3:
Cover the packing tape with black paint. Hint:you may need to do more than one coat of black paint to cover the whole paper without streaks or the paint being transparent.

Step 4:
After the black paint has dried, scratch off the black paint to make doodles or words.


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