Sparkle Spotlight: No Prob-llama Painting
Sparkle Spotlight: No prob-llama painting
So, I'm going to try something new where I will post what I've been up too, like a craft or painting I made. This week I painted this llama painting. I've always kind a had a thing about llamas. If i could be any other animal, I would be a llama. And that was your unneeded fact of the day!
Anyway, I started off with a pink back round and blended in the white and yellow strips. Then I got to work on the llama. I painted him a light brown and added dark shades of brown on top and blended them in to triangle shapes. I kinda did a similar thing with the nose and mouth area. I just made the eyes in a tear drop shape and just added a little white highlight in each eye. Than I did the roses. I was going for a kinda abstract feel. I painted a circle and then made lines outlining the circle. lastly, I wrote,"No prob-llama" at the top. You don't have to do that but I thought it was a good addition. This was a fun one to make because it was not to difficult. I was really happy with how this one turned out. Anyway thanks for reading! Stay sparkly!
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